We are so blessed by the generosity of those who call Mariners their spiritual home. Mariners aims to tithe on all the income it receives by giving away 10% to mission and other Christian organisations.  One of the principles we follow is that generally we give to people or organisations with whom Mariners has an active and ongoing relationship, or a strong sympathy with their vision.   Here is the list of our current mission partners, please click the images for further information.


Salt Malawi

Julian and Caroline Lott left Gloucester in 2002 to live and work among the poor in the Southern African nation of Malawi. Under their leadership the church of the disciples of Jesus was planted in 2007 and has grown to more than 50 branches in villages in Malawi and Mozambique. Julian and Caroline living in Gloucester once again work alongside Salt Malawi to serve and encourage the church and her team of Malawian leaders. Their objectives remain to reveal Christ to the largely illiterate rural people, and in the course of making disciples within their communities to help care for the most vulnerable among them.

The Holloway Family

Andy and Jennie Holloway, along with their sons Joshua and Daniel, are working with Pioneers out in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Andy works as a secondary school teacher for a missionary international school in the city.


Lindsey Capper

Lindsey is our mission partner working with a Pioneers team in the city of Gijon on the north coast of Spain. She is involved in English-teaching, a youth outreach project and centre called 180 Grados (@180gradosgijon), local church ministry, and the general activity of building relationships and living out her faith in the community in which God has placed her. Asturias the region where she lives is one of the lesser-reached regions of Spain in terms of the gospel and the hope and prayer is to see people here experiencing the life-giving nature of relationship with Jesus.

Vision for Israel

Vision for Israel provides aid to the poor and needy people living in Israel (both Israelis and Palestinians) and the Middle East.

Listening Post

Listening Post provides a counselling service to adults living in Gloucestershire who are suffering emotional and psychological distress.

Listening Post is a professional voluntary counselling service. They are an organisational member of the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy and work within their Ethical Framework. They provide counselling for anyone over the age of 18 regardless of financial status.

Gloucester Street Pastors

Gloucester Street Pastors has been serving in the nightlife of our city for just over 11 years now in partnership with the local Police force and support from numerous community and church groups.

 Their aim is simply to ‘care, listen and help’ folks out in the city clubs and pubs with practical acts of support. This can include things such as helping vulnerable people cut off from friends to get to a taxi or get to their lift home, handing out bottles of water to folks in a distressed state or flip flops to ladies leaving clubs at the end of evening with shoes in their hands.They are not out to to preach but will happily pray with folks who ask or answer questions about faith and the reasons they do what they do.

Gloucester Food Bank

Gloucester Food Bank doesn’t believe anyone in our community should have to face going hungry. That’s why they provide three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred to them in crisis. They are part of a nationwide network of foodbanks, supported by The Trussell Trust, working to combat poverty and hunger across the UK.

Gloucester City Mission

Gloucester City Mission (GCM) is a registered charity that supports the homeless, those living in temporary accommodation, sofa surfers and those in need of support with clothing, toiletries, food or advice. They rely purely on donations in order that they can offer food, drinks, showers, clothes, toiletries and advice to people when they are at their lowest point.

Christians Against Poverty

Christians Against Poverty are passionate about restoring hope for those who are lost and hurting. In partnership with incredible local churches across the UK, they’re bringing life-changing freedom and good news to people in desperate need. Gloucester opened its own CAP Debt Centre in October 2020. It is supported by a number of local churches working in partnership together


We also make financial contributions to the work of Gloucester Diocese, Church Society, and Gloucestershire’s Historic Churches Trust.