+ Baptisms

Adult Baptisms

Three or four times each year, we carry out adult baptisms during which the candidates publicly profess their own faith in Jesus Christ and are completely immersed in water. This symbolises a number of things, including washing from sin (wrongdoing) and dying to the old life lived without God and rising to new life with Christ. These are powerful and moving occasions, some of the best celebrations in our calendar!

Infant Baptism or Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

The arrival of a baby is a time of great joy and celebration! You may wish to seek God’s blessing for the new member of your family and be considering a thanksgiving or baptism. No parent can ask anything more significant for their child than having them grow up knowing God’s love personally and experiencing His presence in the centre of their family life.

We offer two services that may be appropriate for you and your child at this point: Thanksgiving and Infant Baptism (sometimes referred to as a ‘Christening’).

Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child

The birth or adoption of a child is a great cause for celebration. Many people are overcome by a sense of awe at the creation of new life and want to express their thanks to God. This service provides an opportunity for parents and families to give thanks for the birth or adoption of a child and to pray for their family life.The child’s name is publicly affirmed and we pray for God’s blessing upon them. This service does not involve the formal appointing of godparents, but we would encourage you to choose some supporting friends who will have a similar role to godparents in supporting and helping you in the upbringing of your child. They will stand alongside you in the service and pledge their support.

Infant Baptism

Baptism is a formal sign of initiation into membership of the Christian faith, marking the beginning of a journey with God which is to continue for the rest of the child’s life. It is a joyful moment when parents and godparents make significant promises to God on behalf of the child and declare their own commitment to the Christian faith. The wider community of the local church and friends also welcome the new member of God’s family, promising support and prayer for the future.

The Church of England baptises infants on the understanding that their parents are believing, practising Christians who are committed to each other through marriage, and that their baptised children are brought up as Christians within the family of the local church. It is hoped that in time the baptised child will come to affirm themselves the vows made for them as a baby.

As well as joining us for Sunday worship, those considering infant baptism will need to attend some baptism preparation sessions, exploring the meaning of baptism and what this act of Christian commitment will mean for you and your child.

Coming to these sessions does not commit you to having a baptism and you may want to come along to investigate further before making a decision. These sessions are open to parents, other members of the family and potential godparents who may also find them helpful.

What happens next?

If you are interested in taking any of these further, please contact us on 01452 540307 or at info@marinersgloucester.org.uk.

+ Weddings

Every wedding is a special occasion and you are warmly invited to contact us about holding your wedding at Mariners. We are delighted to spend time with couples preparing for their ‘big day’.

Please contact us at 01452 540307 or info@marinersgloucester.org.uk and we will be in touch with you shortly.

+ Funerals

In the Bible we are told that as Christians we are to “Mourn with those who mourn.” (Romans 12:15). It is a privilege to be able to work closely with the local community at significant times in family life. Losing a loved one is a time for the church to bring comfort to those who are bereaved. We “mourn with those who are mourning”. We would like to be able to walk with you at this difficult time, to celebrate a loved one’s life as well as mourn and say goodbye.

A funeral marks the close of a person’s life on earth. It is the opportunity for friends and family to express their grief, to give thanks for the life which has now completed its journey in this world and to commend the person into God’s keeping. As far back into history as we can see, people have felt the need for a ceremonial leave-taking of those who have died.

The funeral service of the Church of England can be very short and quiet, with only a few members of the family present, or an occasion of great solemnity with music, hymns and a packed church.

Do please contact us at info@marinersgloucester.org.uk or ring 01452 540307.